Explorers would not be possible without the Explorers themselves however it also needs directions, encouragement, enthusiasm, dedication, direction and drive all these things are achieved by a strong leadership team that provide the necessary skills and knowledge to help Explorers achieve the most out of scouting.
Below are the leaders who between them all make Explorer Scouting Happen in Hudson.
Has been a Scout leader for 20 years, and gained he's Queen Scout Award and Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award in that time. He's organised several international expeditions around the world for Scouting, including New Zealand, Canada, Japan and a few places in Europe as well. He also enjoys shooting and Hill walking.
Has been involved in Scouting for over 10 years. A keen athlete running for Birchfield Harriers. She went to Sweden in 2018 to undertake her Explorer Belt. A qualified accountant during the day, and also helps keeps the Explorers funds in-check!
Has been involved in scouting in some form since he was 15 and became an Explorer Leader in September 2022. He is also part of the organising team for the Chase walk, an active member of Nationwide Scout Communications and out scout group's Quartermaster. He enjoys Shooting, camping and cooking.
Information coming soon!
Has been a part of Scouting since he was 6 and is currently a Network member in Sutton West as well as an occasional leader at Hudson Explorers when he's not at University. He is studding at University of Nottingham and is a member of the SSAGO group and currently looking for a unit to join in Nottingham as well.
Do you know someone who would make a great leader or is it you who could inspire and change lives? There's always room for new leaders.
Join the big adventure and start your Scouting journey with Hudson Explorer Scout Unit
With the support, direction and guidance of the Unit leaders, Explorer Scouts are encouraged to lead themselves, design their own programme and work towards the top awards that Scouting offers.
Are you most at home in a room full of people, helping bring out the best in them? Good. Then you’ll do nicely as a volunteer in Hudson Explorers. We promise to support you every step of the way, and no you don’t need to have been a Cub or a Scout.
As long as you are over 18 years of age, you can help out as an adult volunteer in Scouting. There is no upper age limit for adult volunteers. If you are aged between 14-18, there is the option of becoming a Young Leader.
We have over 30,000 young people on waiting lists in the UK due to the lack of adult volunteers. If more adults helped out this would take the burden off our current volunteers and allow more young people to experience the adventure of Scouting. More adults would mean more young people could join Scouting, Groups could be smaller or new Groups could even open. We always welcome any help from adults.
Explorer Scout Young Leader ESYLs are Explorer Scouts who volunteer alongside adult leaders in a Beaver Colony, Cub Pack or Scout Troop. A valuable asset to any leadership team, ESYLs play an active role in the section, bringing a range of fresh ideas to the table, and acting as positive role models for the young people they work alongside.
By joining Hundson ESU we will give you the training needed to become an ESYL.
If you encounter any problems, broken links or any other issues while using the website, please let us know at info@hudsonscouts.org
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Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, UK - All Rights Reserved.
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